Wednesday, August 27, 2008


嘿嘿嘿看到文君姐的部落格有儒儒的照片所以忍不住就‘抓’来放在偶这里。 儒儒是丫惜的女儿啦,本人好口爱忍不住想疼疼她,可惜这次他没来。。。。。。没关系明年在过去看他 ;p




Sunday, August 24, 2008


the above 3 will b reaching tis sat 11pm+ . they will b acting from sun 31 aug til 13 sep 08 @ old tampines road 仙姑殿。 will be acting wif 泗妹闽剧团,筱凤闽剧团and新燕玲闽剧团. if free go n c.

Yz >> 育忠。

tis is his latest 造型for 河洛,

tis is for 亚芬的水灿。。。。文君姐

last but nt least my 丫惜姐~~~~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

SICK again

have bn sick for the past few days bcos of my stupid nose. yesterday tot tat i can claim my national day off so din go c doc juz ate the medicine tat i haf. in the end i still sick so today report sick in my my office n got 2days mc. spend $36 for 4 medicine!!!!n juz nw my dad dragged go c 中医poor me juz nw tat sinseh 拔罐on me n gif me a few packs of bitter power yucks. dun eat oso can nt so i juz use milo to eat the medicine. it cost me $24 lor so today i spent $60 to c the docs lor!!!bery x