here it goes:
hahaha tat day wn spend alot of time doing her nose she's the 1st to do but last to finish all of us were mocking at her.
hahaha most of the xiao sheng in my troupe bought new wig fr tw n we r the wan who brought them back fr tw when we were tere in oct.
wn is the wan w/o the wig so we were tinking wat to do wif her hair. ''稀有品种'' is helping her wif the hair. in the end he find tat her hair is too short.
done!!! at last wn had finish her make-up n hair so we intended to take the pics w/o the costume.
wn hair too short for the hair tat we intended to do so we use the most simple way.......yes to attached to 'mickey mouse' ear on her hd.
all of us in costume.....
talking about photo taking... Ah tian say wanna take photos long ago till now haven't take lor. haiz.. so sian.
my troupe members planning to haf another round of photo taking. so nw checking when my fren free to take for us.
u all only take at home? never go out take ah?
iyo so many tings no transport hw to go out take? cant possible walk all the way rite? actually wana go xiao gui lin cos near my hse.
It's really a lot & great efforts for your Make-Up Class. Well the photo with complete costumes really very nice. So next time when you all have another round also 'video it'; not only photo taking okie. Well I know Wan Ni & Tay Yoke Hua okie ... *L* (sure you can guess WHO am I?)
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